Saturday, September 24, 2011

More Progress and News (Not Really Tho)


   Good Saturday morning there; I just got off playing a little SMW (Super Mario World), now I'm in Valley of Bowser's Ghost House.  So close to the end I can practically taste it.  It's been a fun, if not somewhat frustrating @ times, ride, but I'd rate SMW pretty damn highly as a great platforming game my slights aside (which do come down to me moreso than the game, tbt).  I'll also pick back up on Snatcher and maybe start up on another game while at it.  Feel in the mood for action.

   Art progress is going a bit slow; I spend all last night tinkering around w/ my settings trying to find what worked best for me.  In the end I really am trying to keep the use of color strong and focused and keep the number of layers minimum, and where layers only serve a needed purpose that can't be done otherwise.  So funny for me to learn that most of the layer settings can be achieved w/ pure good color choices alone, tho this does somewhat lead to a bigger palette (something I don't like much, but am learning to deal with).  Speaking of which, I could probably due w/ another rigorous study on color as a whole, and today seems very good to start as I probably wade back between a few pics over the course of the evening.

   I actually don't have any WIPs to post this time; I haven't really done sufficient progress on Mary since Thursday, and I have started on a new picture of Chun-Li but it should be done very soon, so soon that it makes posting anything of it today redundant.  In the meantime I've been reflecting very much on what new pieces to try and tackle.  There's plenty up for grabs, but dunno...lots of choices and little time to choose.  Whatever's chosen I'm sure will need to be fun to work on, that's for certain!

   That's all for today...not really much was talked about eh x3?.  I'll make up for that next week as I'll have the finished version of the two pics mentioned up, and maybe finally start to tackle down the Pro Spec site (I'd like to get it up and running by the end of October, or mid November at the latest), starting w/ some custom image art and a pic for the avatar.  Keep tuned everyone I'll be living up to the self-stated claims very soon.  Have a gr8 weekend!

"Must play this again sometime soon..ahh, so scenic <)"


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