Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Digital, or Traditional...Or Both?


  Hey everyone; as the name implies, this one has somewhat to do w/ driving into the endless debate of traditional art vs. digital art.  Like other inane and asinine arguments (games as art, for example), I find this one more or less pointless, but seeing that I actually do draw and paint both digitally and traditionally, it has a little more weight in this twisted brain.  My consensus has been that both cater to a different type of group, in terms of age and the amount of history on art those age groups tend to know (as a basic rule your basic fine arts observer has a much richer knowledge on world art history than, say, the kid who digs the new cover work for the latest X-Men comic or Naruto graphic novel), so pitting them against each other is useless.  There are nibbles in both groups I absolutely hate, but this ain't the time to go into that!

   From where I stand, I personally would like to use the two more closely, but I'm talking beyond just what that normally hints at.  The past two months I've been working w/ Corel, I've gotten to the realization that I'll never fully want to turn away from my tubes of paint, and I'd hate to leave them going unused for so long.  This is a very critical juncture for me; my skills are sharpening but it's not at the point where I can really say I'm "ready" to do work w/ it.  Certainly on certain points I feel it is, but on the whole, I got work to do.  Now that I've tasted what a strong digital program is capable of, it's time to be critical and scale back on the glamor, and go for what's necessary.  In my pursuit to better my ability, it could actually be extremely helpful to re-incorporate my acrylic painting into my digital process, and still use the strengths of digital medium to bolster my painting.

   This can't really be explained in a few short paragraphs, but the basic gist is that I'm going to be doing some very drastically different approaches that are closer still to me being myself, instead of doing what I 'think' I should be doing.  To hell if automatically relegates what I do to the depths of unpopularity; the whole time I've been too concerned w/ doing work to please other people's expectation, but that's not what an artist does.  That's not what I do.  I'm in this for myself and others who dig what I do just happen to be on the same wavelength and, hey, that's cool.  But I can't be asked to court for anyone's attention or praise.  Maybe my time on deviantART and other social sites have done more bad than good for me, but that's okay now b/c I'm reigning back the wheels some.

    So for anyone who has been checking on those sites for updates, sorry to say but I might grow a little inactive on them for a few months.  I'll be shifting my focus to this blog and especially Pro-Spec in terms of where I'm pushing my stuff, but if I happen to see a contest or two going on somewhere else that can push myself out there further, I'll give them a shot as well.  As for what this means for the art in particular, well,'ll be in for some major surprises over time!

    I'm going back to some more painting, and maybe read some quick news.  Take care everyone I'll have something new up when that gets done.  'Till then do what you do; l8r.

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