Saturday, June 25, 2011

Runs in the family?!?

  Hey everyone; today's feeling almost too good to stay cooped up inside, so I might go see a buddy of mine and just relax w/ 'em.  However, while sitting around on the computer inbetween looking at various nothings and cooking lunch, my eldest niece bought to me a very cute little drawing she did w/ markers (Crayolas, I'm assuming; hell if I ever could get this level of clarity out of them) on writing paper.  I think it merits some exposure, and so I present The Sunshine's Geisha..

  Just goes to show you that a passion for art and creative endeavors can begin at any age; she's just eight years old and already experimenting w/ color in a fashion most of us probably didn't start doing until we were teenagers or later.  It's interesting in seeing how a child interprets color, b/c I think they have a natural affinity and raw eagerness in them that we naturally lose grasp on as we become adults.  Sure, we can learn all we want about color theory, temperature, harmony and concord--and I'm certainly not saying an adult's understanding of advanced color properties is never utilized to stunning effect (or that studying those concepts is hurtful; in the end it's a more beneficial route of knowledge)-but sometimes all the theories and studying, all the formulating, can rob us of our ambition to just "let go" and be childish in using color to accidentally stumble on some fantastic mistakes.

   In any case, at least children don't become so pretentious and serious w/ their works as to seem cold, uninviting and overtly analytical of others and grossly overestimating in their own abilities.  As adults we unfortunately take on those qualities (even in miniscule doses) naturally as we understand the concepts behind the talent more concretely.  I think there's a saying in "too much knowledge can be destructive"...I'll just probably leave it there.

   Okay, off for lunch and enjoying the rest of the day.  Hope to post a WIP of a current painting or two over the next several days.  Everyone just enjoy the weekend and kick it mad stylin' like (oh the horror in the infidel's meager attempts for teh "coolnez" x3).  L8r.

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