Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dead Samurai...An Early Beginning

  Been a few days since I posted anything up so far..I'd upload the current progress on my Mai painting but actually figured to take a break from that and switch to something else.  This is a quick post of my very early-in-the-rough WIPs for a Ronin Warriors and Resident Evil character, combined here for convenience.  I'm gonna get cracking on them (and another pic) tonight in just a few...no stream tho sorry (lolz, who would watch anyway?).

  I would try to finish these up but I have another painting to get started on first for a 1Up friend of mine, and a simple drawing/painting for my eldest sis's science class project (which was fun in it's own right to try, since it gave me a damn good excuse to use my Prismacolors once again).  And then there's the Mai picture, which will likely end up coming out btwn a few of the others, if time is on my side (it never is tho).

  In other news...welp E3's come and overall it was sorta a mute show.  Not that many big announcements.  I didn't bother to watch either Microsoft or Sony's shows, mainly b/c I wasn't captivated to do so.  Microsoft stuck mainly to Kinect and badly timed gaem reveals, while Sony actually did announce some cool stuff like Sly 4 and Vita, but it was pretty much Nintendo's for the taking.  Actually watched their press conference, and it was quite nice; always good to see Shiggy on the stage (but whatever happened to that woman who used to speak...u know, that very Sarah Palin-looking woman?).  Mario for 3DS looks good though a bit different than other Mario games (mainly to do w/ the camera, which reminds me so much of Saturn's Bug! games it's not even funny), but Wii 2...ouh I mean Wii "U"...nice. 

  Nice controller (they hit a home run w/ the golf game example in the reel) and acts almost like a handheld console of its own.  I don't like the Apple-like design philosophy they're continuing w/-and the console looks nothing like the SNES-inspired thing they mentioned earlier-but it seems like they've put a lot of thought into the controller and it could open some hard-locked doors in the Creativity Room. 

  So, uhm, that's it for now.  Dinner time and drawing time, basically, so I'll see u all sometime l8r.  Byez.

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