Friday, June 24, 2011 a little while ago I took the initiative to begin cleaning up my deviantART gallery, being somewhat frustrated w/ the direction it seemed to reflect and hinted I was going in.  As-is, the gallery size stands at almost half of what was there before, and to be honest, most of what was there were WIPs.  I don't want to be known as the WIPping boy on the site, especially if I want a professional appearance, so they just had to go.

  Some time after that I wrote a journal there announcing a small departure, if only for a couple of days to get my username changed.  Unfortunately, dA is completely backwards on that subject so I deactivated the account for absolutely nothing when all was said and done.  I also expressed some frustration in my process and the need to relax down there some and focus on my own pursuits (i.e admit I want to be more selfish), which seems to be understood from most of my closest pals around there.

  The truth is, even the Mai picture is nowhere near definitive of the direction I want to reach, but it was definitely a step in the right direction.  It has gotten me thinking about painting in a whole different mindset and methodology, interpreting concepts in a whole new light.  I just wasn't THINKING enough w/ my paints and painting techniques, but now I am.  Now I'm exploring the full use of the materials in my possession and am not being cheap about it anymore, all in an effort to bring out the best results.  Those best results won't be evident in the next piece I get to, or even the next several, but certainly, new concepts and clarity will begin to emerge itself in what is put out from here on forth.

   To that effect, I've decided to make The Bristle's Law my main WIP dumping ground, since this is a much more personal space where the pressure to upload one's best (e.g 'finished) work isn't a priority.  However, I'll try and keep it down to just a couple of WIPs for w/e picture is being worked on, don't wanna spam the hell out of it like the Mai one.  That also takes into account if I can even scan the image (canvas boards are looking like a very viable ground now more than ever ;).  And yes, there's just a megaton of other little things I'd like to garb down on while here, but that's (obviously) more random and not as frequent.

  So, I hope this was an informative post if any, and I'll be back sometime to wax on some wholly different subject.  U all enjoy the weekend, see 'ya l8r :)

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