Hey everyone, what's up? The New Year's upon us, but it doesn't feel any different as of this moment. Me birthday's around the corner; doubt anything big and fancy will get done, but it is one more thing to be grateful for.
Anyway, I'm writing this blog to sort of officially turn things around here. I still have a few more pictures to work on, but I've revised my outlook on this whole 'art as a business' thing. The truth is that while I like doing fanart pieces here and there, and like seeing them from time to time, it's also a pretty limiting realm in terms of the creative license one can have while still keeping to the original creation. And, I guess I'm not the one to want to limit my own field of possibilities. I don't think I'll be doing fanart commissions ever tbh, and I'll probably be dropping off w/ the fanarts to focus on my own original pieces. I'll also be focusing more on traditional painting and drawing (my computer having some RAM missing is just the icing on the excuse cake x3). The Alita picture will get finished definitely, but after that there'll likely just be an influx of OC drawings and paintings, and more nondescript shit popping up here.
Pro-Spec is still on, but for a different purpose. @ the moment I'm kinda working on a story I'll be adapting into a webcomic, and I'm serious in getting it to be the success I know it's worthy of being. A lot is still in the early stages (there isn't any art for any characters, for example), but a lot of the general backstory, mythology and simple dossiers have been written up. It's going to be something of a seinen-flavored action-adventure/drama sort of series, and believe when I say it's going to be awesome. Of course, there will be a lot of work to get done in terms of promoting it, and I'll be considering having other people help out and contribute to the series whether it be advertising or collabs, guest writing/art spots etc., as it's being published. But first, the basic points gotta be laid down pretty solidly. Expect some more news to pop out of this area near the end of the month.
Funny thing is, I was always hoping to use a fanart base to lead off into doing the comic, but maybe a person like me just can't commit so well to something if it's not really a 'creative baby' of theirs. So like I said, I won't stop doing fan pieces altogether, but I'm not focusing on them anymore and won't be considering commissions for 'em either. The established pros in that area can have at it ;).
In other news, I've been playing the hell outta Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past. At present there's just three more dungeons to do before the game's finished, but I'm having a little problem getting to dungeons 6 and 7. Might have figured out how to get to 6, but certainly not 7 yet. And, given it's me first time playing the game, I'm really not trying to watch or read any walkthroughs. Still tho, can't stop myself from watching OTG's playthrough of the game whenever I've reached a certain point; the humor I can't resist, I suppose. Really enjoying the game as of the moment, tho I do absolutely DESPISE dungeon 4's boss. It's like Nintendo got off a dry run play of Dogyuun, Sengoku or Raiden (I'm talkin' 'bout shmups there) and decided "HEY?!? We need a boss kinda like this game, in this dungeon, yeppers!"..and that's how you end up w/ dungeon 4's boss. "Annoying" is an understatement for him.
Last bit 'o word; don't know how many of you are keeping up w/ the GOP race, but the Iowa polls have gotten pretty interesting the past week or so. Right now Ron Paul's in either 1st or 2nd (depending on your source) or isn't even in the race (if your source one of the many news outlets that seem to skip right over to Rick Santorum as if Paul doesn't exist). Romney's doing about the same (for some odd reason he's always been a frontrunner in the race; I mean, it's like they pretty much want him-and granted in terms of the 'handsome' factor he's tops to go up against Obama-,why not just do it already?) and Santorum's gotten a late-running bump; tbh I don't think he's that bunk on some of the big issues, it's just that he doesn't have much of a presence amongst the other two, and he kinda does this annoying "I don't compute" face when faced w/ a question or facts that displease him. Looking at the way things are, I'll be very surprised and disturbed if Paul not only doesn't win, but somehow suddenly doesn't get a 3rd-place finish @ that. No candidate who's been as honest and straightforward as Paul can legitimately lose that much support in only one night. There have already been rumors that groups like the douchebag hacker fakes Anonymous are running threats to get the voting process moved to a secret location, and that can't be good. So let's just hope things go smooth and honest-like tomorrow and, beyond all miracles, Ron snags the caucus win.
That's all for tonight; I'll be back tomorrow to post some poems. 'Till then, thanx to all my friends and supporters here, on dA and just like-spirited individuals the world over. Lest an asteroid kill us, let's make 2012 rock. L8r.
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