What's up everyone? Sorry for no update yesterday; I was still sorta beat coming from my sis's graduation the day before (w/ a splitting sinus pressure headache trying to overcome me when the ceremony began commencing), and was also just somewhat lazy then. Oops x3.
Either way, here are a few more alla-primas I did the past week. This batch as a whole probably isn't as diverse as the previous, but I guess sometimes that happens. Still some decent ones in there tho, so uhm, let's start...
This one is merely a very random loose sketch. I still had paint left on the palette and like w/ food, I really hate leaving stuff go to waste unless it's just *that* nasty. Even in that case, I'd rather just sit it outside somewhere for a stray animal to eat..but we all know stray animals have no taste for acrylic paint (can't blame 'em).
There was no sunset outside when I painted this. We don't get sunsets like this around my way. It's a little barren tho; seeing that not much would come of it, I hurried to move on to another piece.
Tried another semi-still life, this time of a potato. By this point I aughta consider doing some light glazing w/ these, altho I'm not sure if glazing is a very suitable practice for an alla-prima. I'm sure someone out there does it from time to time.
Also, aughta try some different palettes by this point, sheesh!
This young gent seems to be contemplating a serious issue on his mind. I didn't think the palette I mixed up would work w/ something like this, but it kinda did. Don't ever be afraid of risks kids ;)
This one's probably my second-favorite. I don't think I technically mixed a dark green for the deepest colors on the tree, but the palette was small enough to allow for some blending and harmony if quick enough strokes were done. Although, I hate the detail up to the top-left. That didn't work out at all :S.
My favorite of the group and probably the first real alla-prima "painting" I've done, since it took about as long as the other five put together (anywhere btwn 50-80 minutes of mixing and painting). Had to create three (or was it four?) palettes for it, and had absolutely no idea where it was going. But in the end it all worked out.
I'll certainly return to do more of these sorts of alla-primas more continuously ;)
And that's almost it for the year ya 'll. I have a suspicion that I'll neglect uploading anymore progress of my Alita picture...
Until early next year, when it'll be finished up (it'll make for a solid opening statement for 2012 tho). So far it's going swell, but obviously there's plenty left to get done. Sadly most of the bulk work won't get done until after the holidays past. I'll finish up my uploads for this year w/ a request over on dA and uploading a couple more fanart sketches on that site, while I'll pop a festive alla-prima here as a way of saying 'thanks' for all those who've been keeping up w/ me blog and just to celebrate the holidays. All that'll be tidied up about before Thursday.
So there we go, another update down. I'll be spending the rest of the day either gaming or reading. Oh, and if you get the chance go see Rampart. Harrelson's always a treat to see, and it's a pretty good movie to boot. And...that's it x3. Until l8r in the week everyone, I'll see you around. Bye.
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