Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Done...Sorta

  It took a day longer than expected, breaks and all, but I have finished the Vice entry for that pirate contest over on dA being run by GBK666 of the Fighting Game Elite club.  Well...*sorta* finished...

   I actually fully intended on doing a back shot to go w/ this, and even w/ this submitted version a lot of little details got chopped due to time constraints, mainly the sword and the hat.  As-is, I honestly don't think it's going to win the contest but I'm not even upset about that.

   See, this picture helped to remind me why I love painting w/ color again, something another certain picture I was working on for a while made me forget.  It's important to never become tethered to the rules of norm if it feels 'boring' to you at the end of the day.  No insult to what's been proven to work in the past, but I have to find what's up for me, and apparently I have more of a taste for impressionist and abstract than I once thought.  This Vice picture it certainly rougher than I would have let it be if I had the time to be a tad more careful w/ it, but I gained a shitload of insight on myself while doing it.  Needless to say, it was more of an 'experiment' and I will definitely be carrying forward in this direction so far as use of color is concerned.

   Another reason I'm really happy w/ this one from a not-technical POV is b/c it helped me rapidly streamline my painting process.  Layers in particular, were being really abused my me and were not doing much good in creating something w/ energy.  I'll be uploading the Poison picture tomorrow to show proof of this, and hey maybe what was done w/ that picture could be a fit for someone else, but for me it was too many layers, not enough forethought or critical thinking, and boring to work on after a while.  I guess I am a speedy bastard after all when it comes to this stuff; no matter the subject matter or complexity I'd rather knock a pick out in three or four days tops, and now I feel I can do that very much so.

    There is another contest being ran on that club, for SNK chars in particular (gee, wonder why I couldn't just wait to submit this Vice one for that instead x3), but for right now I'm probably not going to participate in that one.  I have a lot of other pictures to start painting on, using what I accomplished here as a launching pad.  So the Blue Mary picture is first up and I could/should have it done by Saturday.  I also really need to get around organizing Pro-Spec and finishing up pieces to host up there.  In general, I need to be focusing more on setting up a good network to begin putting myself out there and finding some work w/ this art, contests can wait xD (tho they're good for exposure, certainly!).

     So that said, that wraps it up here.  I'll complete the other Vice picture likely sometime (it'd be a shame to let it go to waste), but there are many other ones to get to.  Thing is, I'm certain they'll all get done very quickly.  My energy's back for this, and it ain't going nowhere ever again.

    Peace out everyone; take care and I'll be back l8r.  Byez.

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