Thursday, September 22, 2011

Current WIP: Blue Mary

  What's up everyone; posting a current progress of the revitalized Blue Mary picture as of today.  I got a jump on it yesterday but didn't decide on an approach (in terms of layers and color) until last night as I was going to bed, then thought long and hard on some of that as I began laying in the underpainting today..  So here's the rough painting:

   Yep I'm still going about the way I did w/ the Vice picture, but this one will be much more refined and focused.  It's also a lot more complex, bunch of light sources and all.  I might be a fool for throwing color into it from the get-go but as I already mentioned that's my way of envisioning better and it helps me, even if it does bend some classical rules.  I have the palette set up and given the current rate of progress it should take only a few days to finish, but I'll probably also get to painting another drawing to post in-between this one. 

   Look forward to an update over the weekend; see 'ya all l8r!

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