Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Avatar complete


   Hey peeps, my keyboard has suddenly stopped providing functionality for the Shift keys these past two days, so I probably won't be loading this short entry w/ a lot of funny little faces that quickly grow repetitive.  Damn, and just as I was hoping to annoy w/ just that...

   Anyhow, the past few days have been somewhat filled in terms of pictures getting worked on, with a few new sketches started, inking on older sketches and resuming work on my Bilstien entry.  Meanwhile I'm trying a few 'new' things w/ my Mai picture to elevate my skill set, and it's going pretty well.  More on her, tho, as she's completed, which-barring other things to attend to-will be a few days out from now.

  So with all that said, I have at least managed to get one picture completed today, my late Avatar image, which is gonna be whored on my scant few social profiles [including this one], if just for a few weeks.  Altho I went into it w/ just the intention of doing a mere avatar image [thus, it probably has too much going on to serve that purpose lol], I took the plunge and pushed to try many new things, particularly regarding getting better at contrast and lighting.  From what I have here, it was a big success.

    I even tried doing a little desaturated lighting, and that came about on a whim as I was finishing this up.  Granted some parts look a little underdeveloped-particularly the flames-and those are phenomena I will study up on more to learn how to interpret them better in future pieces.  But as a whole, a lot was acquired working on this piece and I feel like a much stronger artist b/c of that.  In fact, a lot of things I've done here and am doing w/ the Mai picture have been going back and forth, but thematically they're as opposite as can be.

  The only regret I have about this picture is that I couldn't finish it in time for Halloween.  A bit of a shame, but something that can be tolerated.  The true horror festivities never cease w/ just the passing of a holiday, of course hehe.

   That will be all for today; I'll post back some new pieces tomorrow.  Not gonna say what they are, it'll just be a surprise until they're uploaded.  But regardless I hope you all dig the work on this picture and look forward to more extremely soon.  Until then, be awesome, and catch 'ya l8r.

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