What's up everyone; I haven't been as consistent as I'd like, but I've also had to rethink this whole "social networking" angle as well. Donned on me a while back that it's not so much how often I pop up to post something, it's that I make it worth the effort. Lots of other random boring details could ensue w/ that, but I don't have the energy to waste on talking about it.
Needless to say, I've been feeling very invigorated to give it my all w/ the newest works. I gots a couple of WIPs for today and a revelation for an entry in another art project over on dA, so let's go!
This is the current coloring having been done on that Chun-Li picture the lines of which I posted last week. Went back and tightened up the lines on her and Mai some, learning line weighing again. Very happy w/ the coloring so far and it's surprisingly been thanks to some simple setups, tho the road to realizing their use was convoluted. Should be done within the next couple of days.
Surprisingly I haven't done a real avatar picture for any site other than when I was around on 1UP. It's always been snippets of other pictures I was on @ that moment. This time, it's the right mood for something much more appropriate. Another artist I met on deviantART, brenthenowell, is very good w/ creature renders and designs (just check his page out here if you're interested). I'd like to consider myself a monster fan, but don't really show it that often. So, figuring that and Halloween's this month, I drew up this random design in celebration of the fact and to use as an official ava around my network sites. Will complete him after I'm done w/ the Chun-Li picture, he's gonna be scwarwy xD!!
GBK666 over on Fighting Game's Elite and sister site Game-Art HQ is holding a Boss Tribute project for the month of October. Participating artists are able to claim multiple characters from a list of 33 (I think it's about five more than that now) and draw them during that time. Oddly I picked Star Gladiator's Bilstien. Not gonna lie; I haven't gotten a chance to play these games, but this looked the closest to any Cybermorphs on that list (a game I HAVE played and loved the hell out of @ that), and besides Bilstien's design is awesome. Seriously, designs like his and most of the ones Arika came up with during their collabs w/ Capcom make me hunger so bad for their return to the scene. You can just look at him and tell he's boss, exotic and very interesting. Seth...no, just no xD. Hopefully my fan tribute can live up to his character and existing official art. Now if I could just start drawing the damn mofo.
Okay that's all I got for now; I'll only return when the Chun-Li picture is complete, so that should be this weekend (keyword: should). Until then I wish everyone the best of luck w/ their pursuits and to enjoy their lives as they are right now, and of course strive to make them better. Oh and down w/ Wall Street!! Okay, that's truly enough for today; l8r.
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